Calamos Supports Greece


Funky Gourmet Restaurant in Athens One of the Best in the World

Which Greek restaurant ranks among the world's 25 best? According to TripAdvisor, a site that draws upon millions of user reviews per year, the Athens-based "Funky Gourmet" is the 19th best restaurant on the planet. In the European-wide rankings, Funky Gourmet...

Greek Restaurants Scoop Golden Chef Caps

The world of Greek gastronomy celebrated the Χρυσοί Σκούφοι 2018, or Golden Chef Caps Awards, with the triumph of Ettore Botrini's Etrusco. This year, the cream of Greek restaurants carried a Corfiot flavor with Botrini's Etrusco surpassing his performance in...

The 10 Best Restaurants in Greece in 2017 According to TripAdvisor

The 10 luxury restaurants in Greece for 2017 that were recently voted for by users of the world's leading travel platform TripAdvisor, are in Athens/Piraeus, Santorini, Rhodes and Corfu. According to the results announced on Wednesday, Funky Gourmet Restaurant ranked first...

A Greek Restaurant Among Top Ten in the World

The Greek Restaurant “Funky Gourmet,” situated in Athens, has made it on the list of the top ten restaurants in the world for 2013, as it was announced by the well-known travel website The restaurant that hit the top...