Calamos Supports Greece

beaked whales

Greece Suspends Seismic Surveys After Whale Strandings

Greece will temporarily stop seismic surveys in the Ionian Sea near the island of Corfu after a spate of whale strandings were recorded on the island's shores, the Greek Environment Ministry stated on Thursday. While not confirmed, experts believe that...

Volunteers Fight to Save Stranded Whale in Greece

The story of a stranded beaked whale, which is ill and has been injured by a boat propeller, continues in Greece as volunteers are fighting to save its life. The whale first appeared in the shallows of a beach in...

NATO's Naval Exercises Massacre Whales in Crete

The photo that the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki published, depicting stranded whales along the south-east shores of Crete has brought forth a great deal of concern.  According to the local environmental organizations, a NATO naval exercise is most likely...